- CAN 1
- DTES 2
- New Westminster 1
- Vancouver 4
- affordability 7
- announcement 5
- bc budget 2
- bc election 2024 1
- bc poverty reduction plan 3
- covid-19 6
- disability 2
- drug policy 1
- education 1
- equity 3
- families 1
- federal 6
- food justice 4
- gender-based violence 1
- housing 7
- migrant justice 2
- municipal 6
- op-ed 1
- open letter 4
- organizational updates 3
- policy analysis 7
- press release 1
- provincial 21
- raise the rates 4
- reconciliation 1
- report 3
- research 1
- submission to government 7
- transit 3
- transportation 1
- workers rights 1
- youth 2
Call to action: Respect the human rights of encampment residents
Providing access to dignified, culturally relevant, and adequate housing along the spectrum of need is a much-needed intervention into how we respond to encampments.
Call to action: Finalize the Canada Disability Benefit Regulations
With 1.6 million people with disabilities living below the poverty line, the CDB is not just an important promise—it is an urgent lifeline that must be delivered without further delay.
Call to action: BC needs a National School Food Program agreement
Full bellies allow young minds to flourish, imagine, and connect.
Open letter: On Involuntary Treatment and Recrim
BC government: it’s time to act with urgency, address B.C.’s drug poisoning public health emergency.
National Housing Day 2024 Press Release
The province must reclaim its central role in shaping housing as a public good.
Call to action: declare Gender-based Violence an epidemic
GBV is pervasive in our province, with nearly 47% of women in BC experiencing some form of violence.
The Sinking Floor of Social Assistance Clawbacks in British Columbia
Initially envisioned as a short-term safety net, social assistance programs in BC have become a tangled mess for those looking to return to work, or who hope to find pathways off of assistance.
Call to Action: explore rent stabilization to increase housing affordability
We must enact stronger tenant protections, such as vacancy control, to stop the injustice of profit-driven displacement.
Call to action: reinstate the City of Vancouver’s “SRO Vacancy Control Bylaw”
SRO Vacancy control is needed, and it is needed now.