we believe a poverty-free province is possible.

Poverty is a solvable issue. Our Blueprint for Justice is a roadmap of policy solutions that would lead us toward a poverty-free BC. Following our Blueprint, we seize political moments and run campaigns reflecting our province's deepest need for change.

Our current campaigns:

We can’t wait for action on transit, Assistance rates, and housing!

During the 2024 BC provincial election and beyond, the BC government has the opportunity to make meaningful, tangible change for thousands across the province by taking action on:

  • investing in a dignified, accessible provincial public transit system

  • raising social and disability assistance rates to the poverty line

  • legislating housing as a human right for everyone in the province

These steps would move us toward an equitable, livable province for all.

Looking to Explore our policy goals for the BC election? Look no further!

Looking for resources to be an engaged voter during this election? We’ve got you!

Can you support our work?

Our work is possible thanks to generous funders, granting organizations, and sustaining donors. By donating to our work, you can broaden the reach of our campaigns and help to ensure we have the resources we need to get this work in the hands of decision-makers.