Move transit forward

Public transit should be a public good.

Public transit connects people to all aspects of their lives, from community to essential services to employment. 

In 2021, the BC government made public transit free for children and youth under 12. This commendable decision should be extended to make public transit fare-free to all riders. To build on the success of this initiative, we call for a reliable, affordable, and dignified transit service for all British Columbians. 

we are calling on the BC Government to:

  • Address mobility poverty by eliminating fares for all public transit riders in BC, starting with children and people receiving social assistance

  • Expand and improve inter-city and inter-regional bus services

  • Add benches and cover to all transit stops to ensure a more dignified and accessible waiting experience for riders

  • Invest in increased infrastructure, service, and safety by establishing 24/7 bus routes

  • Add safe homes and emergency phone booths, and improve cell phone connection along all the highways connecting Northern BC to mitigate the MMIWG2S crisis

  • Improve transit infrastructure, including expanded public HandyDART infrastructure and accessible transportation options, which should also be fare-free