We work together

Our coalition is informed by people working across sectors, from housing, food justice, labour, climate, health, and employment services. 

We aim to improve the health and well-being of all living in British Columbia. The Coalition advocates for a targeted and comprehensive poverty reduction strategy that prioritizes equity-seeking groups, and a whole government, cross-ministry approach to ending poverty.

we rise together

Our CAN Program supports local leaders to hone their advocacy skills and connects them with opportunities to be part of political change. CAN provides leadership development for people in poverty through a facilitated and structured training series, and has run six cohorts since the program’s inception. 

CAN cohorts have, and always will be, free for participants. We actively work to remove barriers to accessing the tools of liberation. 

We dream together

The Blueprint for Justice is our collective vision for a province without poverty. This policy roadmap guides our advocacy.

The Blueprint is based on four principles that shape our policy recommendations to Government: Economic Security, Universal Basic Services, Equity, and Climate Justice.

Our campaigns

Poverty is a policy choice - but it doesn’t have to be. Our work on transit, housing, and raising assistance rates will bring us closer to a province without poverty.

  • More than a roof over one’s head, housing represents the right to security, peace, and dignity for all British Columbians. Learn more →

  • Public transit connects people to all aspects of their lives, from community to essential services to employment. Learn more →

  • Poverty is not inevitable. The gap between social and disability assistance rates and the poverty line is wide - made wider by inflation and cost of living increases. Learn more →





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